Okay aside from the art i posted cause i keep forgetting to post more from there... god.
Time for the first vent post here!
The current self of mines of thinking how many times i made a mistake, thinking friends don't interact with me as much anymore and moved away (Or just don't talk as much depending if they're busy or not), burnouts from voice chatting with people to think what should i talk about now on discord, and have been thinking more negatively about myself mostly due to my parents been affecting me more often.
(This also does NOT Help that something also happened these past days ago that has been bothering me to the point it's really not making me feel less happy with myself that i also noticing it is REPEATING itself like what I witnessed all over again.)
It's sadly becoming a point that i'm off from discord just for today until tomorrow or Thursday to focused on myself again to see how long i'm going to recover from what happened again.
I just wanted to feel better with myself. I really do.
Hopefully things will get better for me i guess.
I really hoped so.